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A CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System), also known as a computer-aided maintenance management system, is a software tool designed to help organizations and maintenance service providers efficiently manage their maintenance operations, task scheduling, asset tracking and more. If you're looking for a CMMS for maintenance service providers, here are some key features you might consider:

  1. Asset Management: It should allow you to keep track of all the assets you are maintaining for your clients, including details such as location, date of acquisition, maintenance history, etc.
  2. Maintenance schedule: It should allow you to schedule and plan maintenance tasks efficiently. This can be through calendars, time intervals, usage counters, etc.
  3. Work order registration: It should facilitate the creation, assignment and tracking of work orders for scheduled or unscheduled maintenance tasks.
  4. History Tracking: You must have the ability to track the maintenance and repair history of each asset, which is essential for making informed decisions about its future maintenance.
  5. Inventory and spare parts management: It can be helpful if you can keep track of spare parts and materials needed for maintenance tasks and manage inventory levels.
  6. Mobile and online access: A CMMS accessible via mobile devices and/or online can facilitate real-time updating and access to maintenance information from any location.
  7. Report generation: It should allow you to generate detailed reports on maintenance operations, asset performance and other relevant data.
  8. Integration: It can be beneficial if the CMMS integrates with other tools you are already using, such as inventory management systems, enterprise asset management (EAM) systems, etc.
  9. Reminders and notifications: You should have the ability to send automatic notifications and reminders for scheduled maintenance tasks and other important activities.
  10. Scalability: It must be able to adapt to the growth of your business and the incorporation of new clients and assets.

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